Chapter Guidelines and By-Laws:

The following guidelines are for the purpose of clarification of the OCIA International Certification Standards and Additions to the Standards and the National Organic Program (NOP) Standards. (Approved by the Board of Directors on November 30, 2022)

  1. Crop Rotation

*It is our understanding that the final planting decision is up to the producer and that the final certification decision is up to OCIA Intl Certification Decision Team (CDT). (This statement adopted by the committee on April 11, 2006).

  1. Manure

  2. Equipment

  3. Flood Lands

  4. GMO/GEO

  5. Restricted Material



Introduction: These bylaws govern the operations of OCIA (Minnesota) and the relationship between OCIA-MN and its members.

  1. Article I: Purposes

  2. Article II: Powers

  3. Article III: Locations and Fiscal Year

  4. Article IV: Membership

  5. Article V: Levies

  6. Article VI: Meetings

  7. Article VII: Board

  8. The property, affairs, activities, and concerns of OCIA-MN are vested in the Board.

  9. Article VIII: Committtees

  10. Article IX: Amendments

  11. Article X: Disclosure and Confidentiality

  12. Article XI: Varia