The Minnesota #1 Chapter of OCIA is one of 36 member chapters and three Regional offices worldwide. These people have come together to share their vision of organic farming and uphold an organic standard of excellence. OCIA chapters are the grass roots source of crop improvement information, as farmer members meet regularly to share challenges and solutions in all aspects of farming. OCIA certification is a tool for the improvement of organic foods grown in an environmentally beneficial and sustainable production system. As a nonprofit, member-owned certification agency, OCIA is committed to maintaining the high level of organic integrity of its certified services and products. It is also committed to ensuring that its members can access the global market.
The Organic Crop Improvement Association pledges its dedication to “providing organic crop improvement through professional development of organic farmers and processors, including technical assistance, education information, publications and research”.
Membership dues are $40 per calendar year for OCIA MN #1 and $35 for OCIA International. Certification Cost begin at $325 for the National Organic Program (NOP) certificate. There is additional charge for each certificate that you apply for. Members receive notice of workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings year round. The quarterly chapter newsletter as well as the quarterly OCIA International newsletter (The Communicator) is sent to all members. A subscription to the Organic Broadcaster is given complimentary with your membership dues. Membership also makes one eligible to be involved in the running of the chapter’s affairs by serving on the Board of Directors or being a part of a committee. Chapter members may also become active on the International level in several committee capacities.
Annual Inspections: In addition to the certification fee, operations are charged for annual inspection services. An inspection deposit is collected in advance along with the certification fees. Once an inspection has been completed, and the inspector has submitted an invoice to OCIA, the operator’s account is either *credited or invoiced* for any balance difference. Inspection fees include, but are not limited to, the inspector’s time spent in preparation for, execution of, and report production following the inspection; and travel expenses including transport, lodging, and meals. Inspection fees can vary significantly due to multiple factors including the size of the operation, location, complexity, inspector, and preparedness of records. The total inspection cost will generally be between $300 and $2500 for one day, depending on the previously noted factors. OCIA makes every effort to combine inspection visits to operations in the same area whenever possible to divide and minimize expenses.
*Note: Balance differences from the estimated amount to the actual inspection of $10 or less will be written off. Overpayments over $10 will either be credited to the operator's account or paid out by check.
Additional Inspections: If additional scheduled inspections are required to demonstrate substantial compliance or add new fields/sites or facilities, then the inspection costs as outlined above will be billed to the operator.
EU Additional Controls: If OCIA is required to complete additional controls by the EU for specific countries and/or crops, the cost of the additional controls (such as unannounced inspections and sampling) will be billed to the operator.
Unannounced Inspections: Certified operators are subject to unannounced inspections. In most cases, no additional fees are assessed to the operator for unannounced inspections. If OCIA has to conduct an investigation due to a complaint, the unannounced inspection will be charged to the operation if it results in a major noncompliance.
Cancelling Inspections: If you cancel a scheduled inspection with less than one week notice (from the date of the scheduled inspection) you may be assessed the inspector’s preparation time, reimbursable expenses (travel, lodging, etc.) that have been incurred for the planned trip, as well as an administrative fee of $100.
How long does it takes to become certified? Upon recieving a packet from OCIA International the answer to this question depends on your timeliness in returning the paperwork to the chapter office.
OCIA International is an accredited member of the United States National Organic Program (NOP), ISO Guide 65, the Conseil d'accr←ditation du Qu←bec (CAQ) and the Costa Rica Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG).
OCIA can also assist members in verifying their products' compliance to EU/EC 2092/91 regulations and OCIA Japan is authorized to certify organic products to the Japan Agriculture Standards (JAS)
If interested in joining MN Chapter #1 and would like to receive our application packet, (please specify if a livestock questionnaire is also needed), you may contact to make sure a packet gets mailed out to you.
For more information about Organic Agriculture download the Adobe Acrobat PDF file entitled Facts about Organic Agriculture
OCIA International’s web site is: